2015 New Year's Resolutions
I'm a big believer in aiming too high. If you are consistently reaching your goals, then your goals aren't nearly as lofty as they should be. At GoldFire Studios, we want to push ourselves to the limits to truly see what we are capable of.

We didn't write new year's resolutions last year because we had our heads down coding at a million miles an hour towards the full launch of CasinoRPG. However, we believe 2015 is going to be the biggest and most transformative year in the company's history. So, here are a few of the crazy goals we've set for ourselves (in no particular order):
5 Person Team: Revolutionizing online gaming has always been GoldFire Studios' goal, but we're not delusional enough to think we won't need help getting there. Shooting for a 5 person team sounds conservative in that regard, but an equally tall order is staying disciplined enough to build a rock solid team (not to be confused with the oft-cited "rock star" team) that can execute and have fun doing it. We must stay focused in order to make big things happen.
Return of Friday Freeday: Way back in 2011 I started something called Friday Freeday, inspired by Google's 20% philosophy. Having the freedom to work on side projects is something that keeps creativity alive, which is obviously a vital ingredient for any game studio. It has been hard to get back into the habit with all of the work on CasinoRPG, so it is time to change that.
More Open Source: We've released a few open source projects to the community, most notably howler.js, and they've been a fantastic experience for us. We want to continue doing this in an even bigger way this year.
CasinoRPG Mobile: CasinoRPG has finally started to mature on the desktop platform, so this year we will begin focussing our attention on optimizing gameplay for all those billions of smaller screens out there. This will be a challenge from multiple fronts, but those challenges are what keep us excited and getting up for work every morning (or more often, staying up exceedingly late).
GoldFire Network 2.0: The GoldFire Network was the first piece of our plan to revolutionize online gaming over 2 years ago. The platform that runs today was always intended to be a proof of concept, and now that it is serving hundreds of thousands of users around the world, we are ready to take it to the next level with a fully revamped experience that also includes the introduction of tools for 3rd party developers.
1,000,000 GoldFire Network Users: The last year has been focussed exclusively on turning CasinoRPG into a fantastic gaming experience. We feel we've achieved the first steps of that (though we have much more planned on that front), and now it is time for us to bring that experience to the masses. We are currently approaching 300,000 users, and are setting our sights on tripling that total by the end of this half-decade.